Hunters and wardens are, by far, the most well-traveled classes in the game but other classes can also get traveling skills.

Hunters’ Guides are listed in the Wiki.

Wardens’ Musters are listed in the Wiki.

Other travel skills are also listed in the Wiki. These skills have a one hour cooldown and work independently so the cooldown only affects the skill you used, unlike the milestones which affect all milestones. We have a list – by level – of those skills on this site.

You can update your ‘Return to’ skills in the LoTRo store and reduce the time to 30 or 5 minutes. Likewise, you can reduce your Milestone skills to 30 minutes.

Mordor has introduced a new type of travel skill that can be quite useful. When you join a Mordor allegiance, you get a travel skill for the allegiance hall. The skill has a 5 minute cooldown and each hall has a horse to Mordor. The Hall Under the Mountain (dwarf) has a door portal to Erebor and the Hall of the King (man) has a door portal to after battle Minas Tirith.